Sunday, September 22, 2013


The dreaded time has come. Lara has officially moved off the ship. I can't believe how soon this time has come. There is an empty presence in our cabin without her around. Even though we see her soon it still hurts to see her leave, knowing that it won't be the same. 

There is something about the way my brain is wired that I cannot form articulate or beautifully worded sentences, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart that I couldn't have asked for a better sister. She's my best friend. Her heart and passion for God is contagious. Seeing how on fire she is for God makes me want to run around screaming how good God is. I can't wait to see how her life impacts others, because it most definitely will. 

In her graduation speech she said, "I want to be dangerous for the kingdom!" Let me tell you for a fact, that she's already extremely dangerous. When she wakes up (as late as that might be) she is definitely the type of person that devil fears.

Go kick some more butt, Lara, and know that we're always supporting you 100%!!


This is a very sad blog post. We had a goodbye open house for Lara where we baked cakes and invited people to stop by!
Tracy and the Advance team getting Lara with nerf guns


Open hospital is when the hospital opens up so that the crew can learn more about exactly how the hospital operates. I love the games (&food) that are available!!

 getting fake casts

 playing a speed game
 my team mate and possibly the biggest flirt on the ship
 our score was super fast (definitely not because he had already played the game..)
 lara and i operating on mum (yes, that's her in the bed)

talk about being a babe ^^^^


 Yes, that small splash is indeed a whale. We did see a tail but I wasn't fast enough to catch.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


 Michelle made me a cake!! It was awesome

 The most delicious avocado/egg sandwiches yuuuum

 The crown is thanks to my awesome friend, Catherine!!